First up was JJ's first trip to St. Louis, even if it was in Mommy's belly! The normal 12 hour drive took closer to 13 with bathroom and snack breaks and while it wasn't the most comfortable road trip I've ever taken (there was A LOT of fidgeting), it was not nearly as bad as I thought it might be. St. Louis was HOT HOT HOT and very humid which was a little difficult to deal with, but we made it through! While we were there, we went to a St. Louis Cardinals vs. Oakland A's baseball game. The Cards won!

We got back just in time to do one day of laundry and pack back up to go camping in Vedauwoo, Wyoming for the weekend with our friends Aaron and Heather. Again, not the most comfortable camping trip of my life, but we had a great time. The highlight of the trip was watching Aaron, Heather, and Chris climb up different routes. While watching one route, JJ must've been sleeping because I wasn't feeling him wiggle around much, but once Chris rappelled back down the route towards us and he started to talk, JJ started going crazy. He very clearly recognizes and loves Daddy's voice!
At 30 weeks, my down coat still zips up! Yay!

While there, I managed to get out on a nice bike ride which JJ always seems to like!

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