Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, December 24, 2010

Four Months

JJ has been growing like crazy and experiencing lots of new firsts (including napping somewhere other than on me, allowing me to FINALLY make a post here!)!

Just in the last few days, JJ has learned that he has a LOUD voice in addition to his normal jabbering. He has been experimenting with different sounds and even accidentally said a very clear "da da da" the other day. He particularly likes to talk, yell, and tell stories while he's getting his diaper changed.

This month has been especially fun on the giggle and laugh front. JJ will belly laugh when Daddy makes funny noises or dances to the Baby Einstein flashing star with him. He is proving to take after Mommy in the ticklish-neck-department and has just started to show that he's ticklish on his feet too! Recently, the "ride the bicycle" game (me moving his legs in a pedaling motion) is a sure-fire way to make him laugh and smile.

Just before Thanksgiving, I went back to work full-time and JJ has been splitting his days between hanging with Grandma and Grandpa at their house and hanging with Daddy here when he doesn't have a sub job. JJ loves playing with Grandma and Grandpa and gets to see Uncle Scott most days at lunch time. Uncle Scott has been having a great time playing with his "day-time-baby" and claims that JJ has great taste in comedians (him!) and enjoys watching Sports Center. Apparently JJ is into Nascar. We need to fix that.

He has been doing a good job taking a bottle during the day from whoever is watching him and I have been happy that my milk supply has stayed strong. I pump three times a day at work, and while I miss having any free time during the day to get stuff done around my classroom, I am more than happy to get JJ the nutrition he needs (and it's free!).

JJ's three month grow spurt was pretty brutal -- and correlated directly with me returning to work. He quickly went from a sleeping-through-the-night-for-10-hours kind of kid to waking up every two to eat. Luckily that only lasted about two weeks, and while he's back to regularly waking up around 3 am for another fill-up, I am more than happy to sneak in a little bit of extra snuggle time since being back to work.

JJ continues to LOVE bath time, which we do every other night. He is getting a little too big for his baby tub, so we're hoping to find a more convenient solution for fun bath time over Christmas.

Turbo and JJ are good buddies and they like to play with toys together and practice tummy time each evening.

Books are one of JJ's favorite things -- definitely melting his Kindegarten teacher mommy's heart! He loves Sandra Boynton books (especially "Barnyard Dance") and he likes this Bob the Builder book that his cousin Trevor passed down to him.

He also loves taking walks with the family! We have seen some amazing sunrises and sunsets with this little man!

The drooling is out of control!

Just the last week, JJ has been getting really good at grabbing objects and putting them in his mouth.

Someone is working REALLY hard on learning to roll over, and he's *this* close to being able to do it!

The bumbo is a semi-hit so far... we're working on learning to like it.

JJ went with us to get our Christmas tree. While we knew the complication of having one seat down for the carseat would throw us a bit of a challenge, I couldn't stand the thought of not having us with him to do one of my favorite activities. Somehow Daddy got us all safely shoved in the E with the big tree. Gotta love this car!

He also helped us decorate the tree with his awesome new "baby's first Christmas" ornaments (although the chalkboard pictured is from my first Christmas). I love decorating the tree with so many memorable ornaments.

JJ also loves the colorful lights!

Today is Christmas Eve and we are really excited to have JJ with us this Christmas. At this time last year, I was debating whether or not to take a pregnancy test on Christmas morning, fearing the inevitable negative would make for a bad day. Luckily that wasn't the case, and Christmas morning was one of the best mornings of my life. I look forward to waking up in the morning to my little giggle-monster this year.

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