Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Five Months!!

This little boy continues to amaze me and make me so proud to be his mommy. I can't believe how much he has experienced, changed, and learned over the past month.

Even though Christmas was technically "sooooo last month", it's my blog and I can put it here if I want! JJ got to see lots of family over the lovely Christmas break. JJ got to spend a few days with Grandmama Judy and Aunt Jessie from St. Louis and he even got to meet his Grandpa Todd and Uncle Nick from Dallas for the first time!
Hanging at the BRC with Daddy, Grandpa, and Uncle Nick

JJ liked seeing Aunt Jessie again!

Christmas morning!

The whole gang at family Christmas! It was a big one this year!

Christmas was a lot of fun! JJ got spoiled rotten and looked super cute in the process!

Opening "Perfect Piggies" from Grandmama

JJ discovered his toes this month! He went from being able to find his toes, to trying to eat his knees, to finally sticking his feet in his mouth. Now changing his diaper is a constant struggle over trying to get his feet out of his mouth long enough to put the diaper on!

JJ got his "Exersaucer Mega" from his Aunt Betsy, Uncle Scott, Aunt Jenn, and Uncle Jim for Christmas. He loves it! In the last few days, he has actually started to stand flat footed on the bottom and stand up in the seat rather than slumping forward. He has also somehow managed to figure out how to get each toy in his mouth.
After the New Year, JJ got to come to school with me for a few hours on one of my work days. He got a belated baby shower and hung out seeing what a Kindergarten classroom is all about.
JJ spent his week days alternating between having a blast with Grandma and Grandpa and hanging out with Daddy.
JJ is determined to keep Grandpa and Grandma in shape. He suckers Grandpa into walking him around the house all day...

and is so super cute that they want to walk him around the neighborhood and show him off!
We always enjoy sleeping in and having a fun breakfast or coffee outing with Daddy on the weekend -- of course when we can trap him in the house instead of letting him go out and climb something.

JJ practiced using a spoon by eating a Milkarita on January 15th! Frozen then blended breast milk made for a tasty treat that felt good on his little teething gums! He wasn't so sure what to think...

After practicing for months, JJ finally rolled over all by himself on January 16th! He rolled from back to tummy a few times (with both Mommy and Daddy watching!). He has done it a few times since, but basically gets to his side, realizes he hates being on his stomach, and rolls back. At least he proved to us that he can do it (although he refused to do it once the camera came out so no pictures -- boo)!

The day JJ turned five months old was a big day in this little guy's life. While I was at work, I got an email from Grandma that said: "p.. 76/%.8loopp[ploo. Translation... I popped a tooth! Love, JJ" Yay JJ! Apparently he was fussy and then suddenly got happy, Grandma and Grandpa felt around and there was a lower tooth! That night we found that, in fact, it was TWO lower teeth!!
That night, he also tried his first taste of "food"! We started him on baby oatmeal (looked more tasty to me than rice cereal). He's not so sure about it even here after a few days, but I'm sure he'll like it once he gets actual tasty food in a few weeks.
It was a wonderful month for JJ! He accomplished so many things and was a trooper through all of the development. Chris and I remarked on more than one occasion about the amazing gathering of motor skills going on on a daily basis around here!

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